As a result of these uncertain times due to COVID -19, we have needed to deal with
many rapid changes with our businesses. This generates some uncertainty and
expectations for all but it is there, in the midst of the unpredictable crises and changes,
where leadership is tested.

Change is a constant, and all of us on the business path is somehow used to it
because not everything in business can be predicted. There are situations that arise
and do not give time to prepare and often you have to make decisions on the fly.
Crisis leadership is essential, not only to make decisions quickly but also to be cautious
so you can proactively address the situation in order to take advantage of the
opportunities that arise with changes and crises.

One of the leadership skills in times of crisis is the ability to adapt or rethink strategies
and tune them to the new reality, so that the business can continue to operate and the
impact of the crisis is as low as possible. However, each business and each industry is
different and there will be cases where it will be necessary to radically change strategies, including the business model, for this it is very important not to rush into
making decisions without first having processed and interpreted information, trends,
data, statistics, etc., that allow you to identify new opportunities, and you can think of
taking a new path, and review and define the new direction.

At this time, it is very important to identify the most important activities that you can and must perform in your business given the new reality, and those that generate the
greatest positive impact on the results, so you can determine in which areas of your
business or activities you will focus your fundamental resources of time, money and

Faced with the need to define lines of action I wrote all the alternatives that occur to
you, allow yourself to imagine different solutions, analyze thoroughly what are the best
alternatives to face the situation; seeing them written will allow you to capture them and not «lose sight of ideas».

Each of the activities or strategies you implement monitor and constantly evaluate them, make the accommodations or improvements you have to make and if they don’t work make decisions quickly.

Don’t isolate yourself, maintain a fluid, transparent, empathetic, and honest
communication with your customers and team and above all stay calm and transmit

Finally, I would like to remind you that in a situation like the one we are experiencing,
however, overcoming any crisis depends on our vision of reality, our openness to new
knowledge and our determination to move forward; I am convinced that this will be a
the test we will surpass.

Alejandra Restrepo

Con más de 20 años de experiencia en marketing y ventas. Fundadora de Taller Emprende Mujer, una iniciativa que surge del deseo de ayudar a mujeres emprendedoras de habla hispana a desarrollar su mentalidad empresarial y a crear empresas solidas que crezcan estratégicamente y sean sostenibles en el tiempo.

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