It’s a real fact, and you’ve realized too, that technology is present in all areas of our

We use it to learn, work, relate, do business, have fun, and there are those who even
use it to commit crimes.

The digital age has been here for a while and demands new skills from each of us to
take advantage of the opportunities that the online world offers us.

Statistics show us that more than half of the world’s population is on the internet.
Every day there are new users who join this digital environment. Digital skills refer
to our ability to efficiently manage teams and programs and perform tasks in these
virtual environments.

My suggestion to you is that you can identify those digital skills that will
differentiate you from others and will allow you to achieve the results you are
looking for on a personal and professional level.

You are probably wondering right now, what are those skills? I will share a model developed by the European Union with you.

European Union Digital Skills Model.
The European Union (EU) has made significant progress in defining digital skills
a model that they consider necessary in order to live in this digital age.
These professional competencies are grouped into five categories and are
expressed through 21 specific behaviors with different levels of mastery.

Here is the model:
Information and Data Literacy.
 Navigation, searching, and filtering of data, information, and digital content.
 Evaluation of digital data, information, and content.
 Management of data, information, and digital content.

Communication and Collaboration.
 Interact through digital technologies.
 Share through digital technologies.
 Participate in citizenship through digital technologies.
 Collaborating through digital technologies.
 Rules of behavior on the Internet
 Managing digital identity.

Creating digital content
 Development of digital content.
 Integration and reworking of digital content
 Copyright and licensing
 Programming

 Protective devices
 Protection of personal data and privacy
 Protect health and well-being
 Environmental protection

Problem Resolution
 Technical troubleshooting.
 Identify technological needs and responses
 Creative use of digital technologies
 Identify digital competency gaps

It is precisely this last item referring to identifying our gaps, which is my invitation
to you. It is a personal responsibility to keep up to date with digital evolution. Do
you know what your digital gaps are?

If you want to know more about the skills model, you can visit the official website of
the European Commission.

Erika Montero

Erika Montero es @SoyCyberMujer y su misión es empoderar a las mujeres latinas en el uso de las herramientas tecnológicas que contribuyan a incrementar la productividad digital de sus negocios.

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